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Host a Play Date  |   Drink Tea with Friends  |   Make Money

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If you want to....


  • Make money working from home with your kids in tow.

  • Share incredible wellness tea with your parent friends.

  • Host playdates like no one else.


....then our #momboss program is for you!


"I felt guilty when I became a stay at home mom and wasn't contributing financially to the family anymore.  This program gives me extra money while providing fun playdates for my kids and myself."

It's as Easy as 1 . 2 . 3

Here's how the #MOMBOSS program works!

Sign Up

Join our program, purchase at least $25 a month worth of tea. (recoup that when you sell tea as a MomBoss to friends, family & neighbors.

Host a Playdate

Invite your friends over for a Tea Party Playdate and  serve them our tea. 

Sell Them Tea

Order tea for your friends and yourself and receive $2 for every tea tin that you sell.

  • How do I get paid?
    You receive our tea at wholesale prices when you use the coupon code. 1. Simply ask your friends which tea they'd like to purchase. 2. They pay you directly for the tea at the retail price found on our website. 3. You place the bulk order on our website using your wholesale pricing coupon code. 4. Once you receive the tea, simply deliver the tea to your friends or have them pick it up from you.
  • Can my friends order directly and still receive my discount?
    Yes! You're free to give out your coupon code for others to use. However, since you're not accepting the payment directly then you won't get paid for their order. For some people that's ok. They'd rather just give their friends the discount directly. Remember though, you're still on the hook for the program fee of $25 a month. Therefore, in order to re-coup that fee, you should take full advantage of the MomBoss program by placing the orders and re-orders yourself. After all,, you are the MomBoss. (wink)
  • Can I offer a discount to my friends who buy tea through me?
    Yes! You instantly receive $2 off every starter pack or refill pack ordered. How much you charge your friends for their order is up to you. For example, you may want to give them a $1 off on everything they order through you which means that you'll make $1 instead of $2 on each item ordered. What a nice friend you are..paying it forward!
  • Do I get wholesale pricing on all of my orders?
    Yes! Once you join the MomBoss program, you will receive a coupon code via email. When you place your orders, simply use that code and you'll receive $2 off each item. Whether you place a group order with your friends or place an order exclusively for your use, you'll still receive every item at wholesale pricing. ($2 off each item ordered).


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